08. Michelle


"It took me a whole decade to admit I believed something about myself which simply wasn't true. Even only a couple years in, the sunk costs were already massive. My breasts were gone; my voice would never be the same; and I had put more than $10,000 into my transition. Then there was the social impact: would I make the community look bad if it turned out to be "just a phase"? How would my friends take it? Detransition was supposed to be so rare. It couldn't be me.

...but it was me. And if it was me, there were thousands of people just like me who were eventually going to find themselves in the same position I was in. Transition was not the panacea I was led to believe it would be, but those costs were very much sunk. All that was left to do was tell the truth and hope people listened.

Follow Michelle here http://somenuanceplease.substack.com/


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