18. Jesse


“An important aspect that I want people to understand is that there is no physical “detransition” possible. Transitioning with hormones and surgery permanently changes our bodies. Detransitioning all happens internally. It’s unlearning all of the misogynistic and homophobic conditioning we have internalized. It’s facing the dysphoria head on and working with it daily, repeatedly practicing acceptance and love. People often ask me why I don’t remove my facial hair. For the same reason I don’t remove any of my other body hair-it’s a practice of self acceptance and undermining the systems delusions. Although I’ve always been a hairy woman and am a bit fuzzier now, I love my body hair and hope to be a beacon for other women on their journey of self acceptance and decolonizing the mind from misogyny, homophobia, and male supremacy.“

Follow Jesse’s project here https://instagram.com/heal.earth.sanctuary


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